March 19 — Have you discovered a surprising fact about one of your female ancestors? What was it and how did you learn it? How did you feel when you found out?
I think one of the most surprising things that I have uncovered so far is the story of my great grandfather's sister, Julia Haskins.
Julia was born on August 3, 1891 in Waterbury, CT. We are not completely sure of the birth location but that is what is believed at this time. She was the daughter of George Haskins and Sarah Drake. Around 1893 Julia moved with her family to Rochester, NY where she lived until her mom and siblings moved to Sodus, NY. Once in Sodus they lived with Sarah's parents; Charles Drake and Augusta West.
During May of 1898 Julia was out playing with her brother, which we believe to be my great grandfather. They made a bon-fire and their play went terribly wrong. Here is a transcription of an article that appeared in The Record, Sodus, NY Friday May 20, 1898.
Fatally Burned! Little Julia Haskins Loses Her Life By Fire. Lived Thirty-Three Hours After the Accident.
Last Saturday morning one of the most distressing accidents that ever occurred in Sodus resulted in the death of Julia Haskins, the little six years old daughter of Mrs Sarah Haskins of Rochester. About eight o'clock that morning Julia and her four years old brother made a bon fire, as they had frequently done before. They were having a jolly time at their play when the little fellow playfully threw a piece of burning paper at his sister. It caught on her dress, which was cotton, and in an instant she was enveloped in flames. Her cries attracted the neighbors. George Brown was the first one to reach the child. He picked her up and carried her into the house, where a quilt was thrown around her and the flames were smothered. Some one sent for the physicians and doctors Myers and Richardson were soon by her side. They made an examination and found that her abdomen, chest, face, right arm, right side and thigh were horrible burned. Her hair was also badly scorched as were her lips. The physicians announced that her condition was most serious and that she was injured internally as a result of inhaling the intense heat from the flames. They did all they could to relieve her terrible sufferings, but about half past six o'clock the following day she passed away. During the hours of suffering she bore the great pain with fortitude and seemed to appreciate all that was done for her. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Charles Drake, Rev. Smith Ordway officiating. It was deemed best to inter the remains at the Rural cemetery in the village. The pupils of the public school marched to cemetery in a body, where they deposited a bouquet of flowers in the grave. Julia came to Sodus last December with her mother, who is a daughter of Mrs. Charles Drake and they have been with Mrs. Drake since that time. Julia became a pupil at the public school and her bright face was frequently seen with the other children as they passed through the streets for school. Her long golden curls and rosy complexion made her an exceptionally attractive little girl, and her cheery disposition made her a favorite with all who knew her. The sympathy of the entire town goes out to the mother and sorrowing relatives.
I found out this information about 8 years ago when I first started digging into my family tree. There always seemed to be many secrets surrounding the Haskins side of my family. No one talked about anything, especially my great grandfather. I have a feeling he held a great deal of guilt about what happened to Julia, as he was the four year old little brother that was playing with her. I was saddened by the story, but I think the worst part is the fact that she was buried in the rural cemetery or potter's field. Her grave was never marked and we don't really know where she was buried for sure. Her mom, brother and grand parents all were buried in their family plots in Marion. Julia died a horrible death and was basically forgotten. I am happy to honor her for at least one small moment in time.
This blog is about me, well my family. I am currently exploring my family history. I am trying to capture who we are and where we come from. I love the thrill of the hunt and playing detective to uncover leads and links to relatives of the past. So sit back, enjoy and stay a couple of whiles to share in my journey.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
One Lovely Blog Award
Many thanks to Lisa at The Faces of My Family blog for the One Lovely Blog Award. It feels nice to be recognized and to see that at least someone is appreciating my attempt at blogging some parts of my family history. I am happy to accept and to pass it on. Plus this is a great way to explore other individuals' journeys as well.

The rules of acceptance are :
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who granted the award and their blog link.
2. Pass the award on to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered.
3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
The blogs that I am passing this honor on to are below. Please take time to explore and enjoy.

The rules of acceptance are :
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who granted the award and their blog link.
2. Pass the award on to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered.
3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
The blogs that I am passing this honor on to are below. Please take time to explore and enjoy.
- The Scrappy Genealogist
- Trace Your Dutch Roots
- Are You My Cousin?
- From Little Acorns
- Grace and Glory
- The Historian's Family
- Branching Out Through The Years
- Documenting The Details
- My Ancestors and Me
- Ancestors Live Here
- Confessions of Gene-a-holic
- Family Tales
- Keeper of the Records
- Calling All Cousins
- A Sense of Family
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Fearless Females: March 12 ~ Working Girl
During the month of March the Accidental Genealogist is providing 31 days of blogging prompts to celebrate Women's History Month. I has missed the first 11 days...but I'll attempt to try at least a few of these during the rest of this month.
March 12 — Working girl: Did your mother or grandmother work outside the home? What did she do? Describe her occupation.
I'll start with my grandmothers.
My Grandma Derks attended school through the 8th grade. After her schooling she went to work on the family farm, or the muck as we like to call it. The farm's main crops were onions and potatoes. She continued to work on the farm during my mom's childhood. She recalls being dropped off after school at Aunt Lizzie's house and then walking down to the muck while grandma worked. They also spent many summers on the farm. Other things that my grandmother did included working at the senior care house that was next door. It was run by Mary Kellar, she took in elderly individuals. My grandmother helped her to take of the people that stayed there. She also Marion Canning Factory and later worked and retired from Garlock's in Palmyra. She worked on one of the lines in the factory.
My Grandma Haskins didn't finish high school either. She worked at Kodak in Rochester with her sister. She did this until she got married and continued working there until my grandfather went into the military during World War II. At that time she moved to Marion and lived with my great grandparents. She then worked in the canning factory. My dad tells me that during the early 1960's she worked at a local Marion restaurant. I don't ever remember her working, she was always at home.
My mom graduated from high school in the late 60's. After an initial attending college at SUNY Oneonta she went to the Genesee Hospital School of Nursing in Rochester. She became an RN and worked at the Genesee Hospital as a nurse on the OB floor. After she had kids she stayed home to take care of us. She baby sat for a long time which allowed her to stay home. When we were older she went back to work as a nurse at the Fairport Babptist Nursing Home.
March 12 — Working girl: Did your mother or grandmother work outside the home? What did she do? Describe her occupation.
I'll start with my grandmothers.
My Grandma Derks attended school through the 8th grade. After her schooling she went to work on the family farm, or the muck as we like to call it. The farm's main crops were onions and potatoes. She continued to work on the farm during my mom's childhood. She recalls being dropped off after school at Aunt Lizzie's house and then walking down to the muck while grandma worked. They also spent many summers on the farm. Other things that my grandmother did included working at the senior care house that was next door. It was run by Mary Kellar, she took in elderly individuals. My grandmother helped her to take of the people that stayed there. She also Marion Canning Factory and later worked and retired from Garlock's in Palmyra. She worked on one of the lines in the factory.
My Grandma Haskins didn't finish high school either. She worked at Kodak in Rochester with her sister. She did this until she got married and continued working there until my grandfather went into the military during World War II. At that time she moved to Marion and lived with my great grandparents. She then worked in the canning factory. My dad tells me that during the early 1960's she worked at a local Marion restaurant. I don't ever remember her working, she was always at home.
My mom graduated from high school in the late 60's. After an initial attending college at SUNY Oneonta she went to the Genesee Hospital School of Nursing in Rochester. She became an RN and worked at the Genesee Hospital as a nurse on the OB floor. After she had kids she stayed home to take care of us. She baby sat for a long time which allowed her to stay home. When we were older she went back to work as a nurse at the Fairport Babptist Nursing Home.
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